Monday, March 18, 2013

Rachel is having a baby soon!  
After many hard years, a difficult pregnancy, and living weeks in the hospital on bedrest, she is finally going to have a sweet little one in her arms. She donated a lot of her baby stuff over the years to other needy people and now suddenly will need many things for her own new arrival (most likely a premie). 

We think she deserves a baby shower of sorts. It is a little unconventional, but since she is hospitalized until that baby comes (any day now) and can't accept too many visiters, we thought we could still offer her friends and family a way to support her by joining together to get her some bigger things that she needs. 

If you would like to join us and donate some money (you choose the amount) toward buying a stroller, baby swing, or baby monitors, just hit the donate button to the right and leave her a message/sign your name below in "Sign The Card" or as a comment on Paypal.